Pressure Relieving Cushions
The PostureWorks improves safety, comfort and dignity for people in wheelchairs.
The PostureWorks develops and delivers highly efficient seating solutions to address the significant physical challenges of stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and ageing.
Our revolutionary product line includes APODs, a new class of orthotic wheelchair cushions, and GEMs, a new class of gel cushions. All of our products are specifically designed for long term care, hospital, assisted living, and home use; they are simple to use, easy to maintain, and affordable.
Advanced Positioning Orthotic Devices (APODs) – APODs combine the structure and support of traditional orthotics with wheelchair positioning and seating concepts. The PostureWorks first APOD product line is the PostureWorks Engage Series II, an orthotic wheelchair cushion which provides advanced positioning support and pressure relief for people with chronic and severe wheelchair positioning deficits.
The PostureWorks second APOD product line is the PostureWorks Position Pro Series, adaptive positioning devices that improve wheelchair positioning and reduce pressure for people who propel their wheelchair with their feet.
Matrix GellycombTM core cushions – Matrix cushions use a GellycombTM core to deliver, an unrivaled combination of skin protection, ease of use, and durability. The PostureWorks Matrix Series provides multiple levels of skin protection, support and comfort for people in wheelchairs.
The PostureWorks Silver Care Basic is the first general use wheelchair cushion that can be laundered directly in a commercial washer and dryer, ensuring freshness and hygiene, and eliminating unpleasant odors.